"Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you,
even as your soul is getting along well."
-3 John 1:2
Dysautonomia is the dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system. The autonomic nervous system is anything that your brain and body do automatically or without you specifically telling your brain to do it. So breathing, blood pressure control, temperature regulation, your heart beating, those are all examples of your autonomic nervous system. My system is just all together screwy. This is what causes my POTs or Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome. It's also what causes me to be freezing in the middle of June and random fevers for no reason. But what I didn't know, is that Dysautonomia also effects the eyes.
The nerves and blood vessels in the ol eye balls. |
I made an eye appointment a while ago because my primary noticed my pupils were not reacting to light like a normal person's eyes would. My pupils also "click" when I look from side to side. I had also noticed a significant decrease in my vision especially at night. The decrease came on rather quickly. So to be sure we weren't missing something I made the appointment. I was so impressed on how knowledgeable this eye doctor was in Dysautonomia. Especially because I usually have to explain what it is to medical professionals. She said that I failed most of the vision tests and that my prescription would be moved up quite a bit. She also informed me that unfortunately, for someone my age this shouldn't be happening. I should have roughly the same vision from my 20s to my 40s. However; my vision is still getting worse. This is a result of my Dysautonomia. It's rather common for someone with a severe case to have constant worsening vision problems. The good news is the nerves and blood vessels in my eyes look healthy and seem to be functioning properly. She does not think that my vision will decrease so rapidly that it will lead to blindness, Thank God. But it is something we will have to continue monitoring. Which sucks because eyeglass lenses are expensive.
I'm so thankful to have a team of doctors that are watching out for subtle changes that I may dismiss. I'm thankful to have the health that I do have. For now, I'll be getting used to my new prescription and hopefully not squinting as much!
With Love,
Elizabeth <3
*photo creds: Thank you @sassy.tachy.wacky on Instagram for the great Dysautonimia photo!*
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