Monday, January 29, 2018

Learning To Be Active Again

"For the moment all discipline seems painful rather than pleasant, but later it reveals the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have trained by it."
-Hebrews 12:11

     I am trying to get into the habit of being active again. Not working out, but active. The difference between working out and being active is I am soley trying to get off the couch. I have no outcome goals of losing weight or gaining muscle. I merely just want to move as much as I can. And to say that has been an uphill battle is an understatement. 
     One thing with my Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is that deconditioning makes my symptoms worse. My body literally forgets how to push blood to my brain when I am moving. The more often I move the less my body forgets and the easier it is to do everyday things. When I lay for a month in a hospital bed my body forgets all of that and when I start to move and do life again my autonomic nervous system goes absolute haywire. 
Yep, this is why laundry day
is my least favorite day. 
     One thing I do to be active is go for walks. Small walks, half a mile at most. My heart can barely tolerate that. Some family and I have been walking around the park every once and a while. We also went to look at model homes, which ended up being a bit more of a workout that I anticipated. Damn these three story houses in Vegas. I also walked to my aunt's house for breakfast and back. It's simple yes, but my body is starting to thank me. 
     I have no real plans to begin hard core working out again. Just looking at my heart rate from the little things I already do makes me want to never ever workout again. But I know I'll work my way up to that. It'll take a bit, but I'll get there. I'll slowl
y start to push the limits and work my way up to weight lifting and being buff (JK that's never been the case) again.

With Love, 
Elizabeth <3 

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