Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Bringing In 2018

“In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” 
-Proverbs 16:9

     I rang in the New Year with a raging party from my hospital room. Okay, so maybe it wasn't a "rager". Okay fine, I fell asleep at 9:30 and woke up to my alarm at 11:55, watched the fire works (I have the best view of the strip by the way) and then promptly fell back asleep at 12:15. Even though I wasn't able to bring in the New Year with shots or party hats I still had a pretty great night. After 19 days, yes you read that right, of only being able to take bird bath showers. I was finally able to disconnect from everything and take an actual shower. It. Was. Magical. Being in the hospital for this long really impacts your mental health no matter how positive you are. Being able to take a shower and put on clean clothes last night really gave me the boost I needed to make it through the next few days. 
     The doctor started the discharge paperwork yesterday. But because there is so much that needs to be coordinated to get me home I don't think I'll be getting out today. I'm think the process will probably start tomorrow and then Wednesday or Thursday will be the big day. I've made it this far so I figured what's a couple more days? I'm allowed to get up and walk by myself which has been fantastic. I've been trying to do 10 laps up and down the hallway every hour. You don't realize how much strength you lose when sitting in a hospital bed for this long. So I'm trying to build everything back up while I'm still in here. All the nurses are jealous of my fancy mask. I've been wearing it when I leave the room because I am not about to catch the flu bug while I'm being held hostage here. 
     I'm so thankful God has brought me this far and I am so unbelievably excited to see what he has in store for this new year! This year I'm choosing to find joy in the journey. What ever life is about to throw at me I'm going to find the positive and take it in stride and I hope you are able to do the same. 

With Love, 
Elizabeth <3 

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