Wednesday, January 3, 2018

A Letter To My Nurses

"This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you."
-John 15:12

     To every nurse I have had, thank you. Your hard work and dedication to your patients hasn't gone unnoticed. You have all spent countless hours responding to my call light, checking on me when all the monitors start beeping loudly, priming my IVs and fixing the pumps when I accidentally break them... three times. You have all shared in my triumphs and set backs. You've given me a shoulder to cry on when I just didn't think I could keep going anymore. You helped fight for me when doctors were stupid and trying to move way to fast. You have walked the halls with me and stood by my bedside in prayer. I'm tearing up just thinking about all that you have done for me and all of your other patients. 
     I know your days get long and not all your patients are as awesome as I am. Thank you for not bringing your frustrations with other patients and doctors into my room. For always being positive when you walk through my door even though it was probably difficult for you. I forget that you guys spend as much time on the phone fighting with my doctors and case managers as I do. I appreciate that more than you will ever know. 
     Nurses are the heart beat of the hospital and they don't get enough credit. They are there day in and day out. You have all brought me pudding cups at three in the morning because I was on steroids and starving. You have all brought joy and smiles into otherwise dim ICU rooms. Hospital admissions are hard, they take a toll mentally, but my nurses did everything they could to lessen that. 
     Thank you for all you do. Not just for me, but for all your patients. Your hard work doesn't go unnoticed. 

With Love, 
Elizabeth <3 

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