Sunday, December 31, 2017

The Longest Stay Part: 3

"Lord my God, I cried out to you, and you healed me. O Lord, you brought my soul up from the grave; you kept me alive, that I should not go down to the pit." Psalm 20:2-3

     So here I sit. Day 16 of this hospital admission. I have officially been off of the epi drip for four days with NO ANAPHYLAXIS!! The benadryl pump is proving to be incredibly effective! I could have never imagined it would work so well. But now we're in a predicament. I'm in California and the home health company that I would be using is in Las Vegas. It is nearly impossible to coordinate me going home on a benadryl pump from California. So the plan is to transfer me via air ambulance back to Las Vegas, get everything figured out with the home infusions and then discharge me from Vegas. My ICU doctor and allergist gave the insurance company clearance for transport on Tuesday... It's now Friday. Everything is set, the airplane, insurance approval, everything. We're just waiting on a bed to open up in Vegas. Which is sounding completely impossible. 
     I like to consider myself a patient person but I'm starting to get antsy. I feel great, honestly better than I've felt in a really long time. The benadryl is fighting my crazy mast cells for me so I feel like I have more energy and feel less run down. But I'm still stuck in the ICU. I'm still tethered to an obscene amount of wires and people are still keeping track of how much I pee. I don't belong here anymore. My body knows that, my brain knows that. So I'm getting inpatient waiting for this bed to open up in Las Vegas. I want to be home in my own bed. I want to be off of the constant heart monitors and I want to get back to my new life with benadryl coursing through my veins 24/7. Because for the first time in a while I see hope that I can live a normal life. At least for a few months while we let the benadryl do it's thing before we try to get me off of it. I can't tell you how extremely difficult it is to let this happen in it's time. I haven't felt actual sunshine in over two weeks. I haven't been able to take a proper shower in over two weeks. This waiting game is not one I'm a fan of playing. 
The nurses have been extremely nice! They have gone above and beyond their job description by bringing me jello late at night, sneaking me brownies from the cafeteria downstairs, just coming into chat when they have a few extra minutes. They have been fantastic. I would have lost my sanity a long time ago if it wasn't for their kindness. I've been here long enough that I'm starting to learn about their lives outside of the hospitals and we share pictures of my friends and their kids. I guess if I'm going to be holed up somewhere I might as well have nice people surrounding me.
     Hopefully I'll be shipped back to Vegas tomorrow. If not after the New Year I will work on just getting discharged from here. I'll keep playing the waiting game. Because although it's a sucky game to play at least I'm stable, at least I'm safe, at least I'm not in anaphylaxis. 

With Love, 
Elizabeth <3 

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